Chaos has released Phoenix 5.2 for 3DS Max and Maya.
They’re primarily performance updates, making simulations “up to 20% faster” than Phoenix 5.1.
Specific changes include the option to run the PCG Fluidity method for smoke and fire simulations on the GPU rather than the CPU, updates to the FLIP solver, cache generation, and particle previews.
The is also a new Simulation Speed rollout for troubleshooting performance, showing which phases in the simulation are taking the most time to compute.
New options for art directing liquid simulations
However, there are several new features, including the option to guide liquid simulations by using the new Directed Velocity option in the Liquid Source. The direction of flow can also be controlled with a texture map.
In addition, it is now possible to vertically expand the simulation grid for ocean simulations.
Changes specific to 3DS Max and Maya
Changes specific to 3ds Max include the option to float or dock key rollouts anywhere in the interface, including in a new floating Main Window.
There is also a new Axis Lock option to lock the rotation of Active Bodies in simulations.
Maya users get support for Isosurface render mode in TexUVW, making it possible to transport texture coordinates along fluids; and better support for interactive rendering with V-Ray CPU.
Check the video now!
Chaos is a Bulgarian company established in Sofia in 1997 (famous for V-Ray). It is a world leader in visualization and computer graphics, creating technology that empowers artists and designers to visualize anything they can imagine. Their solutions vary from 3D rendering, real-time rendering, and simulation software.