3DAZ Studio continued its UV and Texturing Ultimate Guide with Part 2, continuing to explain UV-Mapping and Texturing in 3DS Max.
This video tutorial is the second part of a series of tutorials that cover UV-Mapping, Unwrapping, and Texturing models in 3DS Max.
We highly recommend checking it all since we will cover the entire series here on Rebus Farm.
This particular part covers three very important aspects: UV-Mapping, Baking Maps, Texturing, and Materials.
00:00 - Intro
02:07 - Baking Strategy
03:00 - Plan Execute
06:18 - Photoshop Editing
11:00 - Nvidia Texture Tools
11:46 - Material Editor
12:48 - Wrapping Process
17:14 - Visual Inspection
17:51 - Photoshop Editing
20:43 - Photoshop Precision
22:57 - Shrink Wrap
24:45 - UVW Template
25:06 - Photoshop Editing
28:25 - Dirt Map
32:28 - Materials & Nodes Introduction
33:35 - UVW Editor Material Bug
35:24 - L0 Wrapping Process
39:15 - L0 UVW Template
39:32 - Materials Introduction
40:37 - Mix Node In Depth
Check the video now!
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