Arch Viz Artist released a new video tutorial about the top 10 scripts that Aga uses to speed up her workflow in 3DS Max!
Indeed, all of us use scripts all the time, and let's be honest we have a bunch of them installed and we barely even click on their buttons sometimes.
Here are the top 10 scripts that Aga from Arch Viz Artist uses all the time to help her speed up her workflow. Check it out, you might find something for yourself or even learn something new :)
One thing is sure, some of these scripts will bring a breeze to your projects in terms of workflow optimization, and hell, you can bring it faster to pressing that render button, even on your favorite render farm!
In this video you can learn the following:
⏱️ Timestamps
0:00 Place to find scripts for 3ds Max
0:12 Copy & Paste
1:19 Quick Attach
2:02 Image Comp Helper
2:36 Quick Measure
3:06 SpeedoMeter
3:40 Random Wire Color
4:25 Pivot Tools
5:04 Drag & Drop Reference Images
5:28 Instance Replacer
6:08 Random Transform
Enjoy watching this awesome video tutorial now!
Arch Viz Artist is dedicated to sharing knowledge of architecture, graphics, and architectural visualization.