ArtWanted! Featuring Pablo Marcovecchio

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017 by Julian Karsunky

Today’s "ArtWanted! Feature" takes us all the way to Montevideo, Uruguay. Here we meet Pablo Marcovecchio, designer and founder of Enano Maldito, a high-profile audiovisual studio specializing in CG post-production. With only five years since its inception, Pablo and his team of directors, artists, designers and producers have worked with some of the world’s most valuable brands including Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Unilever – an impressive list of clients for a time period that is often referred to as ‘the survival years’ in the industry.

A shot from a commercial for "Happy Days", a recurring special sale by participating retailers in Uruguay.

While his focus as post-production director at Enano Maldito nowadays is in motion graphics, character design, and animation, Pablo Marcovecchio started his professional career as an industrial designer. It was the frequent use of various CGI tools in his day-to-day work back then that first ignited his creative spark: “In digital art I discovered the opportunity for self-expression, with thoughts and ideas coming to life as digital images before my very eyes.”  

Today he uses his experience as a designer by combining and mixing different digital techniques and VFX resources to infuse each audiovisual piece with personality and style. He describes his work as “based on creating high-quality visual images with a heavy focus on aesthetics, style and shape and the harmony of colors”.

Storyboard for the animation for ANII

Pablo's creative approach and eclectic style can clearly be seen in what he refers to as his favorite work: A fully animated promotional video for the Uruguayan Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII), the country's national agency for research and innovation. The three and a half minute clip showcases several bright and colorful scenes featuring a myriad of elaborate contraptions reminiscent of Rube Goldberg machines. “The various machines represent the tools and the ways ANII supports innovation, ideas and companies,” Pablo explains the general concept.

The development process was equally involved: “We had to design, model and animate each individual component down to the tiniest detail, before taking it to post production. Then, we created VFX for every single frame, did color correction and the final master.” From its cute and charming character models, the intricate mechanisms and the smooth animation, the video showcases the amount of talent found at Enano Maldito. 


The animation for ANII was created in Autodesk 3ds Max and V-Ray and rendered at RebusFarm. We are happy that Pablo is pleased with our Render Service: “The service is great, the response to questions is timely and precise and being able to check up on your render in real time via the App is especially helpful.” 

The biggest advantage of using RebusFarm is the difference in total render time. Pablo tells us that the animation for ANII would've taken a whole month to fully render at his studio – as opposed to the four hours it took our render farm to get the job done!  

A sneak peek of Enano Maldito's upcoming project

Pablo tells us he loves all things graphics, pixels and animation. When asked about the favorite part of his job, he immediately cites the large variety: “Every new project is completely different from the last – each project is a new challenge that makes us explore and imagine things from a fresh point of view.”
The creativity required to overcome the aforementioned challenges is highlighted by the studio's latest order: Enano Maldito is currently developing a publicity campaign for an insecticide company, in which bugs and other vermin hold funerals for their deceased. While this might not sound too appealing as a concept on paper, the charming 3D models Pablo and his team came up with are clear proof of their skills and originality.

You can check out more of Enano Maldito's work in motion here.

How to join ArtWanted!

You want to get featured in our ArtWanted! campaign and win 50 RenderPoints on top? Submit your work, rendered at RebusFarm, to! Visit our  Art Wanted! page for more information.

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