October 8th 2007: REBUSfarm supports VRay for C4D

REBUSfarm now supports LAUBlab's Vray for Cinema 4D, the new advanced GI rendering-engine for professional MAXON Cinema 4D users. REBUSfarm is the biggest render farm supporting the plugin for C4D, and we encourage all Cinema 4D users to benefit from our long-time experience with VRay for 3D Studio MAX. Equipped with a capacity of 600GHz, free-of-charge project supervision and optimization we'll help you to meet your deadlines at the most affordable price.

About LAUBlab

LAUBlab is a small and efficient team of Cinema 4D users and developers, who felt the need to port VRay from 3D Studio MAX to Cinema 4D. The project started in February 2006 when it was launchedwith the help from Chaosgroup, the developers of VRay for 3D Studio MAX.

About Chaosgroup

Located in Sofia, Bulgaria, Chaosgroup is a software-developer in the area of 3D-animation. Chaosgroup's rendering-software VRay quickly turned into one of the widely used renderers for 3D Studio MAX. A port of VRay for MAXON Cinema 4D is available since September of 2007.

About REBUSfarm

REBUSfarm is a spin-off to REBUSmedia (see www.rebus-media.de). The company has been founded in Cologne in 2006, by André Konnopasch and Ralph Huchtemann, and leads the market in Europe. REBUSfarm aims at fulfilling the growing need of rendering power in the field of 3D-animation. REBUSfarm supports a wide range of 3D applications. This includes so-called host-applications, as well as secondary rendering applications. Furthermore REBUSfarm aims at offering the biggest possible rendering capacity at the most affordable price, while maintaining service oriented contact to the customer.