3D Community News | 21.04.2023
3DAZ Studio - 3DS Max UV-Map and Texturing The Ultimate Guide Part 4

3DAZ Studio released Part 4 of its UV and Texturing Ultimate Guide, continuing to explain UV-Mapping and Texturing in 3DS Max even further.

This video tutorial is the fourth part of a series of tutorials that cover UV-Mapping, Unwrapping, and Texturing models in 3DS Max.

We highly recommend checking it all since we have covered the entire series here on Rebus Farm.

In this particular part of the series, you will learn about UV Channels, Procedural Texturing, Cloning Objects, Material IDs, Spinning Centre, Centre of Mass, and Centre of Volume

00:00 - Intro
01:22 - The dirt map
01:46 - Channel UV2
09:37 - Delete UV channels
11:02 - Colour Switcher Node
12:05 - Procedural Texturing
12:25 - Shaders
12:52 - The Mask
15:02 - More of Mix Node
16:10 - Material ID
27:26 - Cloning Object
32:12 - 1 Wheel or 4
34:45 - Axle Track
37:26 - The wheels dummies
38:29 - Centre of "Volume" vs. "Mass"
39:22 - A Precision Mark
40:41 - The original vs. the clones
43:11 - The Core
43:46 - Solve the unsolved
44:10 - Cutting Deep

Check the video now!

3ds Max - UV-Map and Texturing - The Ultimate Guide Part 4 [Tutorial]

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