8. November 2013: White Lights 2.5 Plugin für CINEMA 4D

RebusFarm unterstützt ab sofort White Lights 2.5, ein Plugin um splines, points, edges und particles, als ein solid light zu rendern. Dieses Plugin ist kompatibel mit CINEMA 4D R12, R13, R14 and R15.


About Everett

Paul Everett has been developing plugins for the last 12 years and worked as a software developer for Maxon Computer Gmbh, Working on projects such as Mograph. Paul’s plugins aspire to provide the Cinema4D user with the tools they need, to go beyond the scope of the inbuilt tool set.

About RebusFarm

RebusFarm is a spin-off to REBUSmedia (see www.rebusmedia.net). The company has been founded in Cologne in 2006, by André Konnopasch and Ralph Huchtemann, and leads the market in Europe. RebusFarm aims at fulfilling the growing need of rendering power in the field of 3D-animation. RebusFarm supports a wide range of 3D applications. This includes so-called host-applications, as well as secondary rendering applications. Furthermore RebusFarm aims at offering the biggest possible rendering capacity at the most affordable price, while maintaining service oriented contact to the customer.