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Street 3D Photography

  • 19.04.2023 The Making of 'Big City' by Leo Laguardia

    A personal project is always the joy of a 3D artist because of the freedom he has to work on it as he wishes. In this beautiful street 3d photography capture, Leo Laguardia, a Cuban architect, shows us how he used several tools and sources to materialize his "Big City" shot. Enjoy!


  • 20.07.2022 The Making of 'NYC Taxi' by Humam Munir

    Every artist needs to challenge himself from time to time, learn something new, and expand his portfolio. Inspired and motivated by other great 3D artists, Humam Munir, an Iraqi 3D artist, shares his workflow with all of us. Take a look and grab the tips of this informative breakdown!
