RebusFarm News 3D Community News 3D Film News
RebusFarm News 3D Community News 3D Film News


  • FRIAMUTCE_SEPTEMBER+0000RSEPTEMBER_SHORTAMUTC_1C KeenTools - The Beta Version Of FaceTracker For Blender

    KeenTools is a well-known developer of tools for VFX and CG artists, and it has recently introduced the open beta of FaceTracker for Blender. This new add-on is able to make high-quality facial motion capture and several enhancements more accessible to 3d artists. Read the article and check the video presentation to stay informed of the latest CGI news!

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  • THUAMUTCE_NOVEMBER+0000RNOVEMBER_SHORTAMUTC_0C KeenTools - GeoTracker for Blender

    KeenTools has officially released GeoTracker for Blender, the new Blender edition of its popular object-tracking tool, after three months in public beta.

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