Chaos has released V-Ray 6 for Cinema 4D!
New features in the latest major version of the renderer include V-Ray Enmesh, Chaos’s system for repeating geometry across the surface of an object without instancing, and procedural clouds in V-Ray Sky.
Changes unique to the Cinema 4D edition include the option to convert existing V-Ray materials to the new V-Ray Node materials and support for rendering particles, including those generated by X-Particles.
The release makes Cinema 4D the latest host application to get the new features from V-Ray 6, following the release of V-Ray 6 for 3ds Max and V-Ray 6 for Maya.
The initial beta does not include Chaos Scatter, the new object scattering system originally rolled out in Corona 8 for 3ds Max and Cinema 4D earlier this year.
However, it does include the other main new feature in V-Ray 6 – the >VRayEnmesh modifier, which covers the surface of an object with repeating geometry, in a way analogous to tiling a texture.
We're hoping for you to see the latest software updates on your favorite render farms!
Read an overview of the new features in V-Ray 6 for Cinema 4D on Chaos’s website
Read a full list of new features in V-Ray 6 for Cinema 4D in the online release notes
To find out more, be sure to check the video below!
Chaos is a Bulgarian company established in Sofia in 1997 (famous for V-Ray). It is a world leader in visualization and computer graphics, creating technology that empowers artists and designers to visualize anything they can imagine. Their solutions vary from 3D rendering, real-time rendering, and simulation software.