Monday, December 20th, 2021: 3D Community News 

Adobe - Character Animator 22.1 - Puppet Maker update

Adobe has recently released Character Animator 22.1 update which adds Puppet Maker, a new toolset for generating 2D characters.

Choose your character and customize its appearance, with dozens of different options.  Once you have your own unique character, start animating interactively using your webcam or a connected camera. You can also have an option to generate automatic lip-sync animation for a character. Record your performances in Character Animator and you’re done. Create stand-alone animations or include them in your videos to add fun and originality to your content.

Character Animator 22.1 is available for Windows 10 and macOS 10.14.1+. You can buy it via Adobe’s All Apps subscriptions and The cost is $79.49/month or $599.88/year.

For more about the new features in Character Animator 22.0 and 22.1 VISIT THE BLOG.

Enjoy the video presentation for this latest update below:

Better Animation with New Puppet Maker | Adobe Character Animator Tutorial | Adobe Video


For more detailed information about Body Tracking check the video below:

Body Tracking (Adobe Character Animator)


Adobe is an American multinational computer software company delivering applications for a wide range of content, including graphics, photography, illustration, animation, multimedia/video, motion pictures, and print. Incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in San Jose, California, famous for their creative suite that contains Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, After Effects, Lightroom, Substance 3D Designer, Acrobat Reader DC, and many more.